

The death of a friend completely derailed my focus on everything about a month ago...  a death of an even closer friend derailed everything recently.  My footing is teneous and I keep wanting to distract myself from all things..  I have thrown myself into work, I have thrown myself into trying to heal. My creativity needs to get back on track.  I need to set a time of day that is  no disrupt time that I can draw, create, craft.  I think my quest to survive has been so all consuming because I am so far below the poverty line that any issue can tank my battleship so hard I could loose my apartment and all I have..  it is hard to have that tearing at the back of your mind all the time.  Food stamps and donations from a local food pantry has literally been and saved my bacon and fed my kids.  The need for a schedule that allows me to take care of my kids has been important.  So I worked part time at Starbucks - they have ben amazing but $10 an hour for no more than 21-37 hours a week h
The quest for monies took all my minutes and brain powers this last week.  January quest was stopped at drawing #9. Quest complete - but not completed. Now on to the next quest!  (can't stop the momentum - just need to keep showing up to the canvas) February is a sketchbook diary - something I have wanted to try for awhile now. I am three days into February and just starting - so behind but not behind.  Just need to get my journal set up for three pictures at least and keep going.  I will post pictures here as well as my Instagram account which can be found here: The day is almost half over - time to get my journal going :D
Last night I made it to the art canvas.  I finished the head of the Quetzcoatl and left him as just a stone head.  He felt finished as a sketch.  I moved on to the the next item on the list for the #Creatuanary2019 challenge for the hydra.  I did a bit of research to see what people had done and found some wonderful and amazing pieces!!  I set aside the imagry that had filled my computer and laid down a basic head shape and some circles for eyes, and then dove in..  It gained a life of it's own that was not a hydra of any kind, more of a moth muppet/puppy that really really wants to play...  so I went with it.  He is as of yet unfinished - but he's still showing me where his lines are.  The canvas is finally speaking to me again after a very long hiatus of not listening.  I can feel the stirrings of a new and stronger relationship with the images that are waiting to become visual under my fingers and imagination.  For now - this image and I are going to have a playdate

To Begin Anew

Three and a half years have gone by since my last post.  I know what happened.  I joined college and went to upper L classes pretty quick.  It was taking all my time and then some just to get through the classes.  I currently have 14 more classes left before I graduate - but I had to step back.  My boys are close to graduating High School and they are needing me more now than ever in different ways.  They need me to pay attention to their needs for travel, social activites and such - but they also need me to be present.  The circumstance that forced me to quit was rather awful - but we made it through and I realized just how un-focused I was. I have created for school - but not really for myself.  And to be honest I was only creating with a tiny portion of who I am that felt safe at the time.  Alot of my work that came out of college was very child like - my professional side got buried and was so busy hiding that I honestly was only functioning with a portion of myself for the last
I cannot believe it has been well over a year since I have blogged anything on this!!!  It has taken awhile to heal from my divorce.  A long while actually.  That's ok - taking the time to get in touch with who I am and what I want to do has been worth it.  Finding the passions and lovely things that make me come alive - also worth it!! I am back on track though - I have a new artist way group on Facebook that anyone can come check out:  that I will be posting all kinds of Art things - and I have a Facebook business page as well  Feel free to like one or both!!! I am actively doing the Artist Way again and am currently on week three of the program.  It has created a great deal of inspiration and I hope to be posting my creative ideas and concepts soon!!  I am more in a leadership role at the moment, and am moving towards my canvas as I play.  I have
I am still quite intermittent with my posts just yet.  I hope to get my blog a bit more regular as well as my twitter site.  I am entering two art shows in the next couple weeks and I am so very excited.  They are convention shows - with a large gathering of people interested in fantasy and art.  It is the perfect way to help me set dead lines and actually get artwork done.  plus the shows are low cost, and don't have to be manned by setting up a tent, tables, and all the fixings.  It is a good way for me to get my toe back in the water. The first con is Nan Desu Kan - an anime convention - and I am SOO excited to go and be a part of it all!!  I plan to take all my artwork down Friday night and get set up!!  I don't have a costume perse..  but I do enjoy the whole genre!!  I am enjoy Animation exploration so much - and the best part is I get so share alot of it with my kiddos.  We just finished watching "Soul Eater"  and are now exploring "Black Butler"  w
There are few things that can affect an artist more than living life through the difficult parts that threaten to tear a person apart.  It has been hard to draw, I lost my faith, I lost my focus, and i lost my drive to really dive into the creative world for a time.  I have touched upon it now and again as if to test if there was still something there - and in those moments when I am creating I feel so alive..  and then it would fade into the drama of life again.  I know the recipe to keep creating - I have walked the artists way a few times - I've been in shows and art guilds and inspired to create some amazing things that still give me pause to that whole "did I DO THAT!!"  I have seen children inspired by the things I was working on and creating - I have seen children take the craft supplies I offered, the bit of basic instruction and create in ways that will forever live in my heart in happy smiles!!  I know what to do!! Doing it though - and keep doing it - has b